Publication of State of the Art on Digital Credentials

Publication of State of the Art on Digital Credentials

In a flexible and technologically enhanced work environment, education and training are evolving and facing new challenges regarding learning, learning outcomes, and the recognition of these outcomes. Various possibilities for recognizing learning outcomes have gained… Read MoreRead more about Publication of State of the Art on Digital Credentials

Presentation of ECOCredGT to the UC3M community

Presentation of ECOCredGT to the UC3M community

Digital credentials are fundamental components in the re-training of professionals, favouring their employability. “Today, students can take these types of credentials (which recognise knowledge and skills) onto a platform so that they can be verified… Read MoreRead more about Presentation of ECOCredGT to the UC3M community

Work visit to Fundación Kinal in Guatemala

Work visit to Fundación Kinal in Guatemala

As part of the ECOCredGT project framework, collaborative visits have been made between Universidad Galileo and Fundación Kinal. The sessions have begun with diagnostic work and preparation of the activities that will be carried out… Read MoreRead more about Work visit to Fundación Kinal in Guatemala

ECOCredGT Work Session at UC3M

ECOCredGT Work Session at UC3M

On February 15 and 16, at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés, Spain), the first work meetings of the ECOCredGT consortium were held. The ECOCredGT project has the following General Objective (GO): “to build… Read MoreRead more about ECOCredGT Work Session at UC3M